Backyard playground with artificial turf1

Knowledge Center

backyard artificial grassTo satisfy the increasing needs of backyard playground, artificial turf landscape is manufactured into diverse types nowadays. With the development of technology, synthetic turf now looks very close to natural grass. Therefore, it is a trend to install artificial grass indoor and outdoor. Compared with traditional green color, artificial grass can made into various colors to fit for different applications needs.

Nylon and polyethylene fibers are two primary materials of turf. As you might know, nylon surface is greener. Nylon will easily absorb color. However, new artificial turfs are commonly made from polyethylene material.

Polyethylene synthetic grass are more easily to be dyed. During the process, no harmful chemicals are used. If you replace synthetic grass, the older turf can be recycled. With the progress of our technology, more healthy and proper turfs are manufactured for different applications. From the angle of aesthetics, several options can be available. Whether it is polyethylene or nylon fiber, it can be cut to resemble nowadays welcomed grass species.

However, for easy putting purpose, turf surface need smoothness. In terms of color, artificial putting greens are always made in shades of green, though any color is feasible. When it comes to blades of the synthetic fibers, a base is often attached to create a softer and firm surface when filled with sand. This makes synthetic turf more like real grass. In order to make owners to customize firmness playground grass turf, the bases are also possible to find a mixture of water and sand. Water based artificial turfs need to be watered just as common lawns do while the sand based ones do not require any maintenance.
