Keep dog-friendly artificial grass clean and fresh1

Knowledge Center

During CCGrass artificial turf using process, you may be concerned about the dog waste and odor left on the surface. There are some effective ways for home owners to keep your living environment and dog field grass clean and fresh. Someone has asked that is there a way to prevent this phenomenon. Actually, in no place, dogs urine and waste odor make us glad. So, at the same time, you have to train your dog to possess a good habit.

CCGrass artificial grass has been specially treated to prevent muddy spots and dog urine stains. This will reduce your time to handle all dog wastes and unpleasant odor. Under such condition that we can maintain a safe, pleasant environment for pets. In order to enrich the knowledge of our artificial grass for dogs, the following contents may be useful.

How to handle the urine and dog waste
Before we handle dogs waste, we need to find accurate location. In the phase, we can depend on overall familiarity to artificial grass. If there is a color change in small field, you need to check out whether it is dog’s waste. For synthetic turf, waste can be removed by using your current process. Generally, water is enough to clean your artificial grass.

Next is to remove pet odors. Pet turf from CCGrass takes this requirement into consideration. With certain material, the odor can be removed easily. Of course, the tools such as soapy water, cleaner, disinfectant will be all helpful.

You might also worry about your dog digging a hole through artificial grass

Dogs like digging holes through anything. However, CCGrass synthetic turf for dogs are specially designed and made of tough materials. They are flexible and durable.

How to remove dog hair
You can remove the dog hair from artificial grass by saturating it with water and a soft bristled push broom, then brushing with the grain of the fibers. Holding the push broom snug against your belt, start at one end and walk the broom to the opposite side. This simple step should remove most of the hair.

Above ways are guides for you to keep dog-friendly artificial grass clean and fresh. By installing animal friendly artificial turf, your living environment will be improved. Make your decision, artificial grass will be the practical and affordable solution.
